“By bridging the gap between punk rock ideology and ancient spiritual traditions, Marsh encourages readers to embrace spiritual growth while staying true to their individuality. “Wisdom Of The Punk Buddha” captivates readers with its unorthodox approach and thought-provoking content.“ says Djordje at Thoughts Words Action.
Continuing his review of Sam Marsh’s new book, adding “One of the book’s strengths lies in the author’s ability to convey complex spiritual concepts in a straightforward and relatable manner… Marsh’s candid and relatable writing style blurs the boundaries between punk rock rebellion and spiritual enlightenment.”
You can read the full review in Thoughts Words Action here: https://thoughtswordsaction.com/2023/08/24/wisdom-of-the-punk-buddha-by-sam-marsh-earth-island-books/
And pick up a copy of Sam Marsh’s enlightening new book, ‘Wisdom of the Punk Buddha’ from any good book stores, online retailers, or direct from Earth Island Books, here.