Earth Island author and animal rights activist Mark Humanity will be taking centre stage for the Zoological Society of Auckland’s first talk for 2024.
The Humanity Trigger: Animal Advocacy From Its Rise To The Advent of The Animal Liberation Front will be presented from the perspective of being directly involved in hunt sabotage and will not be a historical non-partisan lecture. It is a first-hand account of what it was, and is, like to be on the front line of the battle for animal rights.

Members of the Society and the the wider audience may be acquainted with the work of the Australian consequentialist philosopher Peter Singer, author of the seminal book Animal Liberation first published in 1975. Our speaker for March 7th was actively involved in direct action for animals in his native Ireland and his adopted home in the UK. Mark suggests "Singer was the theory, we were the practice" and that in taking direct action "We were nature defending herself ".
Like all speakers at our meetings, Mark is presenting his individual views and they do not necessarily represent those of the society. They are however views that should be heard and considered by anyone with a passion for the welfare and preservation of animals and the natural world.
Mark's recently published book, The Humanity Trigger, explores 200 years of animal advocacy, from the rise of the RSPCA to the advent of the Animal Liberation Front. Mark will have copies of his books available for purchase on the night at $30 each (signed by the author) and they are also available online from Amazon worldwide and Earth Island Books.
This event is being held at Unitec Thursday 7th March 6:30-7:30 p.m. in Building 115, Ground Floor Room 1023. The room will be open from 6:15 p.m.
Find out more about Mark Humanity here.