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Ten Poets book launch gig on 21/3 World Poetry Day

Official Launch Gig for the 'Ten Poets' poetry collection on @eibooksuk is at @thesteamboatofficial in Ipswich on World Poetry Day!

It's going to be a great night, so come on over and celebrate, watch some great performances, and pick up a copy of the book!

There’s only one week to go until we meet on World Poetry Day, Thursday 21st March at The Steamboat Tavern, to celebrate the publication of 'Ten Poets', an anthology of poetry & spoken word from across the UK. Featuring several poets you many know, including me.

This event will feature 7 out of the 10 poets in the book, each doing a short 'best of' set, so it'll be a varied, funny, passionate, political, silly & a very seriously entertaining night of words.

Doors 6.30pm, starts at 7pm. 2x intervals for drinks/bathroom/etc. Finished by 10pm sharp. £6 entry. Seated event.

Reckon we can get about 55 people seated in the pub, comfortably, so there are limited tickets available. 18+ as there will definitely be adult language & content.


This is an accessible venue too, which is awesome. If you have any questions or requests, please drop me an email.

None of us are 'famous' poets, but we are all live performers who love poetry, particularly spoken out loud in a room full of people. There is something quite special about that. If you've only ever read poetry in a book, please come give it a listen too. I thoroughly recommend it!


Huge thanks to James Domestic, who made this book happen and asked me to contribute. It’s a real honour to be in a book with a group of such talented writers.

So, if you find yourself free on Thursday 21st March - World Poetry Day - and you want to support a bunch of wayward poets with your hard earned cash, then we'd be freaking delighted! All ticket money is being split between all the poets. Bloody idealists that we are.

One week to go...

Love & Boxes, Amy xxx


P.s. If ya can't go, then we'd ruddy love a 'share' of this event, to help us fight the algorithms and reach more people. That would be so deeply appreciated.

P.p.s I also know that times are tough for many, if you want to come to the gig, but can't afford to, please email me stating you want to attend, and I will guestlist you. No questions asked. No explanation needed.

Also, this Saturday James Domestic will be at @brewerytapsudbury – spinning many classics you'll already know and some lesser-heard gems too! All vinyl!

There’s a clip of James from the Good Shout spoken word show in Peterborough on 7th March with his hilarious ‘Homework’ here:

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