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UNDERDOG checks out the new Mass Movement book

Fred Spenner of Germany's Underdog Magazine has been reading 'Mass Movement, the digital years, Volume 1' by Tim Cundle and has published this review;

"This compilation contains interviews with, among others, Attitude Adjustment, Anthrax, Circle Jerks, D.O.A., D. R. I., Funeral For A Friend, Keith Morris, Sheer Terror, Steve Ignorant and No Idea Records as well as articles about Edgar Allan Poe, Fighting Fantasy and collecting records! All published digitally in the MASS MOVEMENT Zine, the contents document a piece of subcultural contemporary history, which is structured in book form similar to HC-Helge Schreiber's "Network of Friends" and is useful as documentation for a sketched era. Tim has been involved in the punk community since the mid-80s. After working as a drug advisor and studying both English literature and behavioral science at university, he decided to work as a journalist, became editor of the MASS MOVEMENT Zine and wrote for Doctor Who Magazine, Big Cheese, Fracture and many other publications . Tim has also sung in two hardcore bands, Charlie's Family Crisis and AxTxOxTx Fan of Disney, Star Wars, and comics, Tim spends a lot of time engaging with hardcore and crossover bands, playing dungeons and dragons, reading genre literature, and devoting himself to TV shows and movies, the most Would consider people to be childishly naive. Tim's selection criteria do not correspond to promoting bands that should be hyped, but rather his personal taste, passions and preferences. This leads to questions that have depth. As a writer and someone who's worked at record labels for years (Revelation Records and Pirates Press Records), integrity can be tough at times, but Tim is a nerd and a professional at the same time. Another effect of this collection is the reference to all interest groups, an expression of commitment and passion for the punk and DIY community, which is as varied as it is diverse. Unfortunately, Tim didn't interview a single woman for this collection, so the interviews are masculine, which is absolutely disappointing. (And I doubt that the 2nd volume increases the proportion of women)*. Apart from this dubious approach, the book is in any case a preservation of a pulsating subculture, which has been documented and partially processed biographically".

*Ed - The first volume has sixty eight interviews within it covering all sorts of areas with alternative culture. The second volume has over eighty interviews, including some specifically with female artists, although it never struck me as bad in any negative way. Both books focus on alternative culture of all sorts.

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