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Launch of 'Dear Smash Hits'

It was a full house at Good Press in Glasgow for the launch of Alastair MacDonald Jackson’s ‘Dear Smash Hits, We’re From Scotland' book. Helping out were Saskia Holling, bass player with the Nettles and ‘Heavy Flow’ fanzine, and Chris Davidson of legendary ‘Slow Dazzle’ zine.

The good people at GP put drinks on, and tunes were provided by a playlist curated by Lauren Thomson from Heavenly Creature Records. A number of the contributors including ‘Bam Balam’s’ Brian Hogg and ‘The Next Big Thing’s’ Lindsay Hutton had made their way through from the East Coast, so it was a good vibe all round.

Alastair gave an overview about the book, and his rationale for writing it, and then Saskia and Chris talked a bit about their experiences as zine writers, as well as a Q&A session. Chris showed his collection of all six ‘Slow Dazzle’s’, including the final issue which sold an amazing 1,200 copies!

Afterwards, there was a chance to chat and mingle before everybody headed off into the evening…

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