If you were watching BBC Breakfast on the morning of Monday 23rd September, you may have seen an unexpected face pop up!
Yes, James Domestic made an appearance as part of a feature on the 50th Anniversary of Teletext, featuring sections from his 'See Facts' poem.
Being an extremely busy fella, there was only a very small window to record James' segment before he flew off to Spain, so BBC correspondent Tim Muffett jumped on a train and met him in his local, The Brewery Tap, in Sudbury one lunchtime.
You can watch the feature here (James at around 3:55): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=76dzEt6cYjM&pp=ygUlbm5jIGJyZWFrZmFzdCB0ZWxldGV4dCBqYW1lcyBkb21lc3RpYw%3D%3D

The full version of 'See Facts' can be found, alongside many other fantastic poems, in his brand new Earth Island book, 'Domesticated Vol.3', available direct from us or in all good stores now.