Tim Satchwell will be talking all about his books on The Clash, particularly the new one, 'Combat Ready', on Thursday 4th August, 14:10pm on the Literary Stage at Rebellion Festival.
Tim will be interviewed by Cherry B on the literary stage, so bring a packed lunch.

Thursday 4/8 timings below:
1.30pm Cherry B literary stage
14.10 - interviewing Tim Satchwell (poet/author/ Clash fanatic)
20.30 interviewing John Robb (musician/ Presenter/author & music expert)
The Rebellion Festival bands on Thursday include Riskee and the Ridicule, Anti-Flag, Circle Jerks, Wonk Unit, Bouncing Souls and Bad Religion, so that seems a great day to go along.
Check out these links for more information: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10160112920179592&set=a.395179024591 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1666063880339740 https://www.facebook.com/Clash.Combat.Ready https://www.rebellionfestivals.com/line-up https://tims08.wixsite.com/all-the-peacemakers