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Wisdom of the Punk Buddha launches

Updated: Jul 12, 2023

The next book we will be publishing is 'Wisdom of the Punk Buddha' by Sam Marsh.

We've been working with Sam on the copy for a while now and he told us; "I am a punk and a Buddhist, and I'm not conflicted at all."

It's taken us a while to get the book just right, but it's printed and ready to go now, and you can order a copy direct from the Earth Island Books Store, at any good book shop, or online, worldwide, through the usual channels.

Here's a photo of a chuffed looking Sam, with his new book, 'Wisdom of the Punk Buddha':

We had the book ready to launch in time for Asalha Puja, or Dharma Day, on 3rd July, and sent a few early copies to alternative book bloggers and reviewers for a pre-release review. This is what they had to say...

Wisdom of the Punk Buddha is the perfect amalgamation of thoughtful poetry and the accumulated wisdom of a lifetime of Buddhist philosophy and knowledge and devotion to the punk scene. Built around a series of easy to digest life lessons. It’s a book that poses a simple question - “Do you want to be better person? Do you want to be better tomorrow than you were today?” If the answer is yes, then your journey to punk rock and personal enlightenment begins here...

Tim Cundle, Mass Movement

A mixture of very enjoyable punk poetry and Buddhist thought... designed to help you make sense of the world and your place in it. This book shows that a lot of punk rock thoughts and ideas can be found in Buddhism, if you look at it the way Sam Marsh does.

Tony Whatley, Suspect Device

Wisdom of the Punk Buddha teaches us about true punk rock ethos, principles of Buddhism, love, peace, unity, wisdom, and many other topics through a comprehensive collection of thoughtfully written poems. The author shares his thoughts, observations, and criticism but also takes time to explain some background too. Wisdom of the Punk Buddha is a must read for every bookworm punkrocker.

Djordje Miladinović, Thoughts Words Action

'Wisdom of the Punk Buddha' is available as a ninety page paperback or an ebook right now.

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